Inter-being was a collaboration hosted by Montréal Monochrome on May 5, 2018 between Earth World and Montréal-based artists, Shahir Omar-Qrishnaswamy and Wyï (wyïśya).
Wyïśya writes:
“Inter-being is the inhabited deep sea-space of a relational-creature.
A goult coralis sculpture praying to interdependence. By the clownesque gruesome, we invite humans to relax in
the observation of a timeless and laughable dance, honest and failing.
Through this act of enlarged-embodiment and grace, we continue to
touch the ancient knots of oppression which represent the karmic ripples of life in torments.”
The sound design and lighting for Inter-Being was inspired by one of our previous projects, Music for the Hydroörganon. Working closely with the Montréal-based artists, we created a soundscape for Inter-Being by incorporating the sounds of the Hydroörganon and the singing-sculpture itself.
Wyï is a multidisciplinary, non-emerging artist who practices presence through meditation, dance, crochet sculpture, and conscious breathing. Wyï’s philosophies are rooted in traditions of animism, which she touches through embodied rituals. She draws from an ethic of benevolence as motivation to move. In this life, Wyï is a pangender human, born in a colonial French-Québécois cultural context. She descends from fluvial and sylvan ancestors, as well as relatives of Western, Iberian and Scandinavian Europe. She is born on the shores North of the island of Tio’tia:ke / Montréal, where she currently resides, on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka territory.
Shahir Omar-Qrishnaswamy is a multi-disciplinary artist currently facilitating meditation, dance, and singing workshops for newly arrived refugee youth. In this life, Shahir is a diasporic, queer trans person of South Asian descent who grew up between Mississauga and Malawi. She has an honours degree in Film and Cultural Studies from McGill University. Her creative philosophies are rooted in the Dhamma, animism, and compassionate eco-social justice.